Component/system malfunction: the engine control unit fails, causing the engine to shut off unexpectedly while driving. This component is available for inspection. Safety risk: the sudden shutdown poses severe risks. It happened on local roads and highways at speeds over 65 mph, creating immediate danger. Reproduction and confirmation: the problem has been reproduced but not resolved by audi columbus. Inspection: inspected multiple times by audi columbus, but not by police or insurance. Warning lamps/symptoms: no warning lamps or messages before the engine shuts off; the failure is sudden. Detailed timeline of incidents: •[xxx]: first incident; the engine shut off on a local road. Paid $1,500 for repairs, but the issue persisted. •[xxx]: engine shut off again, preventing going to office due to lack of loaner vehicles. •[xxx]: engine shut off on the highway, causing extreme fear and distress. Vehicle towed to the service center. The engine shut off in a high-crime area. Restarted vehicle message came on, vehicle towed from work place. Service center issues: •shutdowns prevent work due to no loaners. •service advisor ellis declined services without permission and acting like he has no idea why the vehicle is there even though he is the same service advisor dealing with the constant issue. •no effective resolution despite multiple visits. Impact: the repeated issues severely affect my mental health and safety. Request for resolution: i seek either a replacement vehicle or a full refund. I urge nhtsa to investigate this defect to prevent accidents. Supporting evidence: i can provide once contacted thank you for your prompt attention to this matter. I look forward to your response. Information redacted pursuant to the freedom of information act (foia), 5 u. S. C. 552(b)(6)